Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017

So this week was a lot better than the last one. We didn't find a lot of people of anything like that. But we had fun and we have things planned for the week and everything. I am so happy right now. we brought 8 people to church and  they are all good. I thought we were lost but now we are found. Hahaha we are just working hard here in Moncagua. So this week on Thursday Elder Ochoa is going to come here to give a multi zone and I am in the choir (not by choice) Hahha well we'll see how that goes. We are just busting jokes taking pics with pigs and studying about charity. I want all of you to read Moroni 7:42-48 I love it. I am so glad I have been learning about that. We taught a few lessons about charity and wow the spirit was ridiculously strong. Whenever you show and talk about the love of Christ it is amazing. I want to continually have the pure love of Christ I hope we all can complete the 2nd commandment. Love your neighbor. Love you all.

Mom:  I hope you are working seriously hard because your letters are super short ;)  What's up with the pig?  
You have a good voice, why didn't you want to be in the choir??  That's good you had a bunch of people come to church.  Were some of them the family you were talking about in your email last week?

Jackson:  Nope not one but I hate singing. and that's why I asked for that keyboard thing 2 weeks ago so I could write more

Mom:  It should be here today and the backpack too.  Did you ever get your package I sent with your Hawaii Tshirt and your Domingo Ayala Tshirt??  it had razors and granola bars and stuff too.

Jackson:  No I haven't gotten it.

Mom:  That sucks.  Maybe it will be at the office and you can get it when you're there this week.

Jackson:  I don't go to the office????
Mom:  Well whatever- They bring you your packages or whatever from the office don't they?

Jackson:  Something like that. I'll get it don't worry.

Mom:  right-- It's been almost 2 months.  you usually get them faster than that.  I think the post office lady definitely screwed this one up so I'm a little concerned.  What do you want me to send with your keyboard??  are you actually going to get it?  I won't send the backpack and the keyboard together.  I've been sending cash for your package pickup to the mission office-- do they make you pay the $5 or whatever when you get the packages??

Jackson: No they don't make me pay. Just send them together don't worry. 
Love you have a great week 

Mom:   Love you too!

Well, we had another good week. Pretty calm for the most part. Monday we went out in the boat with Jolene, Landen, Easton, Lily, Kaela and Sean. The water was super smooth, Smoothest I've ever seen it at Willard bay. Landen is getting pretty good at wake boarding. Carson didn't try to wakeboard because he jammed his traffic finger and said he couldn't hold onto the rope. Tuesday we went to back to school night with Carson and met his teachers. And then we went to firehouse pizza with the Baker's. Always enjoyable-  the Baker's are pretty awesome. 
Wednesday Carson's teacher quorum activity was shooting and dad went up with them to help. They had fun.
Thursday was the freshman game at bear river. They lost. Carson played well, they have some internal issues. Carson said there's one kid that argues with the players on the team in the huddle. Not good. Tough to play as a team when you want to pummel the kid. 
Friday we dropped Carson and Sean off at the game at bear River and went to Logan for dinner for our anniversary since we probably won't get anywhere on Monday. 
We thought of going to the fair for a bit while we waited for the game to end but we drove through the parking lot and said nah, way too many crazy people. 
Box elder lost the spike, After 6 straight wins. 19-0
Saturday we went out in the boat. Carson invited a a few friends, Since we didn't really do anything for his birthday. Sean, Chance, Kourtney and Annika Quayle.  It was a really nice day. The water was smooth when we went out in the morning and there weren't too many people out. Kourtney wakeboarded and Carson got up a couple times. The rest of them didn't want to try it. Then they all tubed and swam. We got there about 10 and left about 3. Carson put sunscreen on and wore his shirt so no bad sunburns this time. His and my face are sunburned but nothing too bad. We took everyone to subway for lunch after and then home. 
Right after we got home, Carson showered and we took him back to chance's so they could go watch the big fight. They went to Jay's bosses house and ate and swam and then watched the fight. He got home around midnight. They had a great time. I guess the fight was good too. 10 round knockout.  It was Maywheather and McGregor. 
Today is Brad Robinson's homecoming. He looks good and his talk is pretty good. 
We had our home teaching dinner. Bacon themed. It was pretty good. Vickie brought mac n cheese, we had mashed potatoes, bacon wrapped smoked chicken, bacon wrapped pork tenderloin (bakers), jalapeño poppers (Angie). Amber brought he layered pudding dessert. It was all delicious. And we visited for a while always a good time.  
School started today. Carson drove to school. He drives pretty good so not really a big concern there.
Hope your week is filled with some good people and experiences to share. 


August 21, 2017

Well this week was another pretty calm week. The normal at work. Carson had practice all week. Much better than last week because his sunburn was pretty much healed up so he could actually practice. He hung out with Sean  for most of the week after practice, mowed the
Lawn, complained about working (which he is about to lose his life over), just the normal. Wednesday was mom's night at football. We went with Baker's. I didn't participate because I didn't want anyone touching my shoulder. But it was fun to visit with everyone. Carson went to young men's with Sean after and then hung out at his house Til 1030. Thursday was the ward swim party so we went to that and visited with the sister missionaries and a few others in the ward. We talked to Bingham's for a bit and Austin is doing well so far. He said the food in the MTC is terrible. Which I laughed about because that's what Taylor said about it too.
Friday Carson wanted to go to the varsity fb game in Layton, so we took him down and watched the game. He hung out with his friends and we watched the game.  It was interesting, they (Bees) were 39-0 going into the 4th qtr and then we put in our jv and they scored 14 points but that's the first game against Layton since Taylor played that they won I think. Quite interesting.
Saturday the freshmen played at Alta. They came out strong but didn't continue to play throughout the whole game. They didn't have refs either so the Alta coaches were the refs and one of them was terrible. I think had we had actual refs we would have won, but it's all good. They ended up losing 30-27. But played a decent game. We invited the Thackarey's and Baker's over for a bbq and drive in movie and watched a league of their own. It was fun. and that movie is always funny.
Today is Carson's birthday. The big 15. Tomorrow he is going to get his permit.
We had birthday dinner at grandmas Jolene and Kevin, Kristal and Ben, Taylor and Kayla; cafe rio sweet pork,- it was delicious. We got him a swing tracker. He tried it out but couldn't figure it out yesterday, so they came in and he kept working at it and got it to sync with the ap finally. I think it will be awesome. He liked it.
We'll have a great week, work hard.
Love you

Voice Recording
 Alright, well, this week was a little bit different.  To be honest it was really, really hard.  All the people hardened their hearts against us.  Everything like that, right :(.   Because all of our  baptismal dates fell, nobody came to church, we didn't have a single investigator progressing this week, so... it was kind of like a punch to the face.  It was really hard to be honest, but we found a bunch of people this week, Wed. is the day that it all went down the toilet.  Thurs, Fri, and Sat. we were putting fire to the area.   We were trying at least.  I've got a cold, I'm sick.  got it yesterday at church.  So, we are working really hard.  We found a bunch of people.  There's this one family that I feel like they're really good investigators because they are really honest.  And they want to know, they want to learn.  Their only problem is they always go out and do stuff on Sunday and they are always like I know, do you have like a video we could watch, like where you preach and give sermons.  OR do you have a video on a website. NO,  We only have general conference talks on the internet.  We don't have a video of what we do at church.  They're like oh really, yeah- you have to live your own experience at church.  So, maybe they'll come next week.  They're going to try, I guess we'll see.  The other thing is nobody, like nobody, is married.  I've already said that, but every good person that we find they're like not married.  I'm like WHAT is going on??
Then we found a less active the other day, like inactive.  We showed up and she has like 5 kids, no 4 kids and I think only one of them was baptized.  So we are going to try and work with the kids and see if we can baptize the 2 that are old enough to be baptized. Maybe 3, we aren't sure if the one is baptized or not.    But we are going to try and reactivate them and baptize their children.  But what happened was, we showed up and the dad said "NOPE! I don't want to talk to them."  And I was like what!?  He was in the middle of a conversation with somebody and he just left him.  He left his friend or whoever it was there.  I was like WOW!  this guy really hates us or something like that.  The kids like we've got a friendship going with them because we've played a top game with them.  It's called trompo, it's pretty cool, but I can't do it and they're all making fun of me because I couldn't do it.  And there was a freaking little 5 year old that would wreck me at the top game.  WOW!  It's alright, we just have to work with people.
And then we had stake conference this week, a bunch of people were macheteing.  The stake president's wife macheteed about the Sabbath Day, saying that nobody keeps the Sabbath day holy and stuff like that.  Whatever, you know.  it's cool.
This week was just really hard.  We made it through.  We'll have some more fun this next week and kick some butt.  That's all I've got to say to you guys this week.  Have a great week!!

Mom:  So what do you mean  everyone hardened their heart?

Jackson:  They don't want to go to church and be baptized now. They said well I'll tell you guys another day if I want to be baptized but any time soon nope....

Mom:  Which people?

Jackson:  All the people we were teaching, the members, just everyone.

Mom:  Well, I guess that just means more work to do.  Do you ever wear the new shoes I sent you?

Jackson:  Yes.  So like what are you doing???????

Mom:  working-- What are you doing?  I am actually going through my medical bills to see what I actually owe.  I guess luckily it won't be more than $13000 :(

Jackson:  Well gotta go have a great week MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom:  Love you too!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 14, 2017 Crazy Baptism

One week closer to the summer being over. 😩 I'm not looking forward to cold weather at all. We've been having a lot of evening thunder showers and lightening storms. Lots of fires too in the last couple weeks.
We went out to promontory with the Baker's and Robinette's on Friday night after the purple and white game around 1030pm to watch the meteor shower but it got too cloudy so we didn't see much for meteors but the lightening show was amazing. We watched for a couple hours.
Carson didn't come, he went to spend the night with Taylor and Kayla. He likes to do that every once in a while. They usually hang out all day Saturday and cook and do whatever. I'm pretty sure he likes to do that so he can get out of doing any work on Saturday. This week he had to come home and move the lawn in the afternoon because we were a day off on mowing because the lawn fertilizer guy came on our normal Tuesday mowing day and said we needed to leave it for a day. He wasn't happy about it. But he went back and hung out with them later that evening and they went to the open mic night at the fine arts center.
Dad and I are kind of bored with no kids. He just wants to watch baseball it's all sorts of fun.
We didn't do much this week. Just Carson to football and I think he pretty Much has lived at Sean's house. Carson didn't pad up for football Til Thursday because of the blisters and raw skin from his sunburn.  It is pretty much healed now but it's been over a week. It was bad. Hopefully he has finally learned his lesson. Just a skin cancer bomb waiting to go off.
They played the purple and white scrimmage on Friday. It's kind of a joke. But the freshmen look better than the sophomores. But we pretty much already knew that because that's the group of kids Carson played with the longest. The freshmen have their issues too but overall they looked good.
They changed the region again this year. I'm not sure what the teams are but it sounded better than any region with east in it.
It was Taylor Baton's farewell on Sunday. She gave a great talk. Ariel Dunford and Sean and I talked with her. It was a good meeting. Hopefully my talk was ok. Either way it was a great opportunity to be able to speak with her.
I think dad recorded the talks and was going to send them to you.
I didn't have a talk subject per se. So I based it on Mosiah 5:15. Being steadfast and immovable. I thought it was very fitting for a missionary.
I even used you in my talk a couple times.
I hope things are going well. Tell us about the people you are teaching and some of the experiences you are having. How about your companion?  Still getting along ok?
I tried to check on your package but the number doesn't work so hopefully it will get to you eventually. It would be a bummer if it didn't. We sent your Hawaii shirt and your Domingo Ayala shirt in that package☹.
I guess we'll see. The normal mail lady wasn't at the post office the day I sent it and I thought maybe I should just find out when she would be back and send it then but I didn't. So hopefully she didn't mess it up so it doesn't get to you.
Love you

This week was was a really cool week. I got to see a lot of miracles for the hard work that we have been doing.  So Monday a guy from the states who is visiting called us and told us he had someone that we could baptize this week and so we went hauling down to talk to him. It was his mother in law. She learned that she can have an eternal familia so we got her an interview and called president and we baptized her yesterday. haha we had a crazy baptism too. So the son in law tried to baptize her  (she is really old) she got scared of the water and wouldn't go under. They tried like 3 times. then I got in the water we sat her on a chair and when he went to lean her back I ripped the chair out from under her and we baptized her hahaha it was awesome. Well that is really all that happened this week!!!!!!!!! Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom:  That's pretty cool. So now you have lots of fellow-shipping work to do with her since you didn't know her before.

Jackson:  Her familia is all members.

Mom: So, do you do your baptisms on Sunday's? or just whenever??

Jackson :  Depends. We try Saturday's but if there is stuff we do it on Friday or Sunday.

Mom: So what are you doing fun for pday today?

Jackson:  We had to go to immigration 

Mom:  So you did your early morning trip for you this time?  Sounds like a great opportunity to talk to new people. 

Jackson:  No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just chillin

Mom:  Missed opportunities.  How long was the ride?  What time did you leave?  I'm guessing you are about out of time. Keep working hard. I'll see if I can get a backpack and send it. Anything else?  Have a great week!
Love you

Jackson:  A keyboard that I can write on Sunday night plug it in to the computer and it loads... Look up Alphasmart 3000 
Love you mommy

August 7, 2017 Tire Changes and Temple

One week closer to the summer being over. 😩 I'm not looking forward to cold weather at all. We've been having a lot of evening thunder showers and lightening storms. Lots of fires too in the last couple weeks.
We went out to promontory with the Baker's and Robinette's on Friday night after the purple and white game around 1030pm to watch the meteor shower but it got too cloudy so we didn't see much for meteors but the lightening show was amazing. We watched for a couple hours.
Carson didn't come, he went to spend the night with Taylor and Kayla. He likes to do that every once in a while. They usually hang out all day Saturday and cook and do whatever. I'm pretty sure he likes to do that so he can get out of doing any work on Saturday. This week he had to come home and move the lawn in the afternoon because we were a day off on mowing because the lawn fertilizer guy came on our normal Tuesday mowing day and said we needed to leave it for a day. He wasn't happy about it. But he went back and hung out with them later that evening and they went to the open mic night at the fine arts center.
Dad and I are kind of bored with no kids. He just wants to watch baseball it's all sorts of fun.
We didn't do much this week. Just Carson to football and I think he pretty Much has lived at Sean's house. Carson didn't pad up for football Til Thursday because of the blisters and raw skin from his sunburn.  It is pretty much healed now but it's been over a week. It was bad. Hopefully he has finally learned his lesson. Just a skin cancer bomb waiting to go off.
They played the purple and white scrimmage on Friday. It's kind of a joke. But the freshmen look better than the sophomores. But we pretty much already knew that because that's the group of kids Carson played with the longest. The freshmen have their issues too but overall they looked good.
They changed the region again this year. I'm not sure what the teams are but it sounded better than any region with east in it.
It was Taylor Baton's farewell on Sunday. She gave a great talk. Ariel Dunford and Sean and I talked with her. It was a good meeting. Hopefully my talk was ok. Either way it was a great opportunity to be able to speak with her.
I think dad recorded the talks and was going to send them to you.
I didn't have a talk subject per se. So I based it on Mosiah 5:15. Being steadfast and immovable. I thought it was very fitting for a missionary.
I even used you in my talk a couple times.
I hope things are going well. Tell us about the people you are teaching and some of the experiences you are having. How about your companion?  Still getting along ok?
I tried to check on your package but the number doesn't work so hopefully it will get to you eventually. It would be a bummer if it didn't. We sent your Hawaii shirt and your Domingo Ayala shirt in that package☹.
I guess we'll see. The normal mail lady wasn't at the post office the day I sent it and I thought maybe I should just find out when she would be back and send it then but I didn't. So hopefully she didn't mess it up so it doesn't get to you.
Love You

So this week we had a bunch of fun stuff happen. First we had interviews with Pres. He is really awesome and he told me honestly everything that I needed to hear because I was in a few doubts how I could do better and everything right? I had a great interview with him. Then we had the opportunity to go to the temple with investigators for an activity. Which was really fun. I got to see all the people from my other areas and everything So that was awesome. But on the way back the members tire popped so I took the tie off and got to work. that's right! then we fixed it all up and got back home. Also this next week we are going to be having a baptism. Of Chepe. He is awesome. When we taught him Tithing he said when he is a member he will always pay so that was a cool little experience. Well that's it!!! Love you guys!!!!
Mom:  What??  you know how to change a tire??  ;)

Jackson:  WOw... Hey and that backpack is good.

Mom:  How is everything else going?

Jackson:  It is all good! Tell Lexie congrats. But how are you guys? Heard the great Parker is going to play JV?

Mom: We went to her reception.  We are great!  And that's the word but it's all good.
 So- who are your investigators or less actives you are teaching now?  Did you make nice with the ward mission leader?
to you eventually. It would be a bummer if it didn't. We sent your Hawaii shirt and your Domingo Ayala shirt in that package☹.
I guess we'll see. The normal mail lady wasn't at the post office the day I sent it and I thought maybe I should just find out when she would be back and send it then but I didn't. So hopefully she didn't mess it up so it doesn't get to you.

Jackson:  No I still hate him but I put on my pharisee face and everything but it is all good now.

Mom:  Sounds like you need to have some love in your heart.  He is probably doing the best he knows how.   And you're giving him attitude.
Grandma sent me a text earlier this week and told me that "Church need to get MISSIONARIES OUT of San Salvador."  I was laughing-- I guess Grandma is getting revelation for the prophet now. (at least where you're concerned)  :)

Jackson:  Why does she say that?

Mom:  I guess Her and Grandpa were watching some fox news thing about the ms13 gang in El Salvador and the US Attorney General is in San Salvador doing something.  And she's freaking out about it.

Jackson:  Haha MS is nothing compared to 18. that is way worse

Mom:  maybe that's what it is the 18- but whatever-- it's nothing that we didn't already know about before you left.  Just obey the rules with exactness and you will be protected.  

Jackson:  I know. Love you mommy until next week :)

Voice Recording:  Well, what's up guys?  How you guys been doing?  I haven't done this for 2 weeks but sorry, but we've been working really hard to be honest.  This week we had some interviews and they were really fun, well not really that fun.  
We also went to the temple, as an activity, not as a ... not like... we didn't go in.  We did a tour of the chapel right next to the temple.  It was really cool.  It wasn't as fun as the last time because I got to be to be Moroni and everything.  So it was way cooler like that.
So what we did this week-- Tues we had the interviews, it was really funny because, it was funny - it was my 1st interview with my new president and he- like it was really weird.  so he asked me if I would say the prayer and I was like sure, no big deal.  so I said the prayer and I said Amen and I lifted up my head and he was like staring at me and he asked "how are you with the law of chastity?"  And I was like WOAH, wow, we're just gettin' to it aren't we.  Like you're not going to ask me anything else, you just going to get right to it.  So I was like, well, I think I'm good.  I mean, I haven't been doing anything wrong.  So then we got on to the interview and everything and he was just telling me how I could be better and how he wants us to work.  And I was alright, this is good, and he told me a lot of things that I really needed to hear.  Some of the things I was doubting, I was like, I don't know, there were just some things- it was pretty hard for me, but he was telling me  how to do a few things and I was like WOW, this helps a ton, and he doesn't really  know me but he was telling me everything I needed to hear.  That was really amazing. And then, Thurs we went to the temple, took a 4 hour bus ride to get to the temple.  It was dope.  
We did that, we had some fun in the temple.  I saw all my friends, I saw Sabrina, Alex, I saw Okelley from Que??(city name)  I saw Isabel y Marvin.  It was awesome.  I was kind of sad I didn't get to see people from zec??(City name) I don't know why I didn't but that's just how it happens right.  I also saw the dirt bag Alejandro who screwed me, but you know, it's alright, it doesn't matter.  
So this week that's coming, we're going to baptize Chepe. His name's Jose but when your name's Jose here your nickname is always Chepe.  I don't know why, but I think it's cool.  Chepe is going to have his interview this week and we're going to baptize him on Saturday.  Well, that's what we hope for. Man, I'm so excited.  He's like I didn't know how I was going to receive my answer, but you guys just told me how I was going to receive it so.  We taught him tithing yesterday, he's like, when I'm a member, I'll pay tithing.  I know that I need to do that because you can't rob God, like you guys told me in the scriptures.  I was like wow, alright!  This guy is amazing!  And so Nephtale, he's just chillin like a villain in his house.  He didn't go to church because he was working.  because he has to get his like $3 or he'll die because he doesn't have any money or any food to eat, but he's really good.  He's gonna get baptized, not this week that's coming, but the next week.  We're doing really good with our investigators right now.  The new plan of President is to baptize every week and we're gonna do it.  We're gonna chill like villains.  Yeah, so I'm just chillin in my hammock  doing this; it's dope.  Whatever you know.
oh-- also on Thurs when we were coming home, we live a half hour away from the church on a bus, 20 minutes by car and so, what happened was, we were with a member who lives really close to us, he like always takes us everywhere in his car.  He's amazing, he's our 2nd ward mission leader- The way better one.  So he went to the temple with us and on the way home, we hear a   POP and BOOM.  His tire went out, so I take off the tie and I'm like alright, let's get this done.  And he's like what?  I was like dude, I know how to do this, where's your stuff?  So we got the jack out, we got the tire iron,  loosened the bolts- lug nuts,  then we jacked the sucker up and took it off, put on the spare, we did it fast.  He was like, wow, that was way faster than if I would have just done it alone.  That was dope, It was really fun that I got to do something that I like to do.  

July 31, 2017

Mom:  So what happened to your head?
Jackson:  I had a wart and cut it off hahaha
Mom:  Off your head??  Seriously are you retarded??
Jackson:  No?
Mom:  Did you at least make sure you disinfected whatever you used to cut it off with?

This week was pretty chill for the most part.
Monday we did the normal. Work and finished getting Carson ready for trek. We were going to take the boat out but it was overcast so we didn't go.
Tuesday more of the same. Baker's came and got Carson's stuff to take to the church so they were ready to leave at 6am Wednesday morning.
So Wednesday night after work dad sprayed the upper lot while Aaron roiled out the asphalt type product we got. It looks pretty good. If the drivers would stop making hard turns in it it would harden up and be just like pavement.
Thursday we watched a ball game after work and Friday dad helped grandpa get the boat going and we mowed the lawn.
Saturday I slept in and dad got up and started the sprinklers and made sure the batteries were still charged in the boat. And weeded one of the flower beds. Then we got ready and went for a drive to Logan and had breakfast at Angie's and went grocery shopping.
Carson got home about 330 and showered and then we went to Willard bay with Jolene and Kevin for a few hours. It was pretty rough, but that's Willard bay. There were a lot of boats out and the wind was blowing a little. I guess dad and I will have to work on our empty nest goals 😂.
Sunday was good. Dad didn't have any meetings so he took Carson at 830 to help with the sacrament and I came a little later. A bunch of people that went on trek spoke and it was pretty good. Kristal and Kourtney both talked.
Austin Bingham leaves for Mexico on Tuesday morning early. And Taylor baton leaves in a couple weeks. Lexie is getting married this weekend. Football started this morning. I guess summer is over 😕.
How was your week?  It really seems like the weeks are just flying by. We were thinking we probably need to get working on your stuff for school next year pretty soon to see what info they need and what not in case we have to get original paperwork back and forth from you since it takes at least couple weeks for mail. Let me know what you think about that.
How are the new investigators?  Things sounded like they were going pretty good on that field. How about your less actives?  Have you made nice with the ward mission leader or are you still at odds?  If you are- you need to swallow your pride or whatever and get along and do the best you can.
What fun things did you do for pday? Did you get your him hump day package?  I honestly haven't tracked it to see if it got there yet but just wondering. I'm guessing no because you are so far away from the mission home, but there's always a chance right!?
Well, work hard, keep smiling and having fun!
Love you

Hey so this week was normal. We didn't have that much success but we are working. We tried our best to make the best out of things so the things worked out pretty good right? I guess it wasn't that great of a week because the people didn't go to church right? But hey its all good. The Fiestas in Chapeltique (where we live) were going on so we had trouble finding people in their houses. Well I honestly don't know what to say. Because it was just a normal week. Oh well I guess the new people who came to the district one is the freaking nurse. And ya that's about it. But I mean we just had a normal week of work this week we are going to the temple with the investigators so it should be pretty cool. Love you have a great week.
Playing the piano
Breaking a bench
WHen you mess around with your comp too much...
aND Just walking in the street at night.

Mom: So what's up today?

Jackson:  Nothing. We just went to Walmart.

Mom:  Sweet you have a Walmart-- That means you should have everything there that you can get at home right?? ;)

Jackson:  Not even close

Mom  What is the Walmart like?  I hate Walmart here so it really can't be any worse can it?

Jackson:  No it is better because it has more stuff

Mom:  Which one has more stuff?

Jackson:  Well like here it is great because it has more stuff but there it blows

Mom:  So I don't need to send you anything while you're there then ;0

Jackson:  Yes I want a camelbak please..... I live in straight country and it is hard to find clean water... and razor heads...

Mom:  I sent razor stuff in the package that's coming.  A camelbak doesn't clean the water.

Jackson:  But I can put clean water in the camelbak when I leave the house

Mom:  I can send you yours.  I'll make sure it's all clean and get it sent to you.

Jackson:  Is it possible to send me new one with a backpack that I can use for the mission?

Mom: I'll look and see what I can find.

Jackson:  Send me a pic before you buy it because I cant use some things here

Mom:  I'm guessing you are out of time.  Have a great week.  Quit doing surgery on yourself.  Work Hard.
Love YOU!!!

Jackson:  Love you mommy!!!! Have a great week