Yes, it's alive.
He's crazy! Love the shirts though :)
So this week was a success. We found 18 new people and put 7 baptismal dates this week. You know what it is!!! Just so you all know you all can do the same things. You just have to follow the spirit and listen to what he says. Anyways, this week I have some experiences with the spirit. First is that we were walking around in the rain and no one was home but the spirit told me that I should go see if the house that was close would let us in. He did! Then we put a baptismal date with him. Another is that when there is contention on your part or the part of an investigator the spirit will not be there. Learned that because a BLIND man was telling me that I was a blasphemer and all that jazz because I said the book of Mormon was true. I love this gospel and I hope you guys strive to learn more. Love you guys have a great week.
Holy cow!! Talk about dry council😩. This is painful. It's almost as bad as "Bueller, Bueller..." And Carson says he looks like him too. 😂. The missionary was short which was fine because he was terrible too but this new high councilman. Wow! I think if they can't give a half decent talk that will keep your attention at least a little bit, they should be barred from the talking part of the high council responsibilities. Hopefully he learned something from preparing his talk because I have no idea what he is supposed to be trying to teach us. . . Saving grace. President Ferry stood up to speak for a minute. He talked a little about the natural disasters and things going on in the world. He told the story of Chicken little, Foxy Loxy. Where chicken little gets hit by the acorn and is going to tell the king the sky is falling and he goes along and finds Foxy Loxy and makes a friend and they both are heading to tell the king the sky is falling. But Foxy Loxy needed to make a detour to his den and chicken little follows along trusting. And goes into foxy loxy's den and was never seen again. He used it as an example of be careful who you decide to listen to in this crazy world. Satan will take you away quietly without you realizing what he is doing by trusting the wrong people. He also talked about Peter walking on the water and how his faith faltered. It is easy to let ourselves believe the things people around us are saying am not trust in the lord. He likened our situation to being in the Eye of the hurricane where it is peaceful. But Outside the eye it's beyond windy. We feel like we might be in the eye of the hurricane, but all around us things are in turmoil. Great message to end on. Were you affected by any of the Hurricanes or earthquakes that have been happening? They've had over 200 earthquakes in soda springs, Id area in the month of sept already. Some people here said they felt the biggest one, but I didn't. Austin Bingham said they felt the one in Mexico City in the MTC. His companion thought Austin was shaking his bed😂. They were all ok though.
We had a good week. Carson played football on Wednesday against pleasant grove. They played pretty good, still have some defense issues to work through but won the game 28-6. The varsity lost the homecoming game 22-7 against bountiful. They aren't doing so well.
Jared asked Carson to come play ball on Saturday with their fall ball team so we spent the day in hyrum. It was a nice day and fun to be at baseball games again. Carson played really well. For not touching a baseball in a month he played awesome.
We about froze on the way home. I thought it was a great idea to take dads jeep with the top off because it seemed like it was pretty warm when we left at 11. By the time we hit mantua on the way up I knew it wasn't a good idea. I was already cold. We had sweatshirts and blankets but still cold. So the ride home was waaaay colder.
Sunday was a normal day. Eastons birthday dinner at grandmas. Dad smoked bacon wrapped pork loins for dinner. It was really good. No strawberry salad though 😕.
Carson arranged his eagle board of review along with Brandon baileys and Tristan reeders. And they got that taken care of Sunday evening. Then we came home and relaxed for a 1/2 hour Til we got ready for bed.
But that monkey inside our backs and all we have left is to plan the court of honor. That shouldn't be too bad.
So, how was your week? Anything super exciting happening? Are you making friends with the members? Less actives? Just new people? Do you play soccer with the kids there? Is azalea still writing to you? How about Andy? Macey? I've been writing to her but haven't gotten to her the last couple weeks. I need to do better about that.i was thinking that since our letters seem to be getting shorter that maybe we should pick a scripture or something in preach my gospel to study together each week and tell about how it helped or affected us during the week as we study, pray and act on it. I'll let you choose what we should study since you have specific things you are studying and we can do whatever. And maybe it will help dad get motivated about our new calling. He doesn't want to go visit people. I don't know that I really do either, but we said we would do the job, so I guess it's 'suck it up buttercup' 😳. Anyway. Pick something for us to study together and we will start today.
Have a great week! Work hard.
Mom: So what's up today?
Jackson: Nothing good
Mom: why not? What's up? I wrote this in my letter. But here it is again because you tend to forget to answer my questions.
I was thinking that since our letters seem to be getting shorter that maybe we should pick a scripture or something in preach my gospel to study together each week and tell about how it helped of affected us during the week as we study, pray and act on it. I'll let you choose what we should study since you have specific things you are studying and we can do whatever. Any maybe it will help dad get motivated about our new calling.
Jackson: Like what do you mean? I don't understand what you want me to pick
Mom: I don't care. Something you want to study together. A favorite scripture or scriptures. A talk. Whatever
Jackson: I don't study what I want to study is the thing. I study for the people that I am going to teach...
Mom: I know- so just something that you are working on
Jackson: Study chapter 6 in pm
Mom: So what's got you down?? Companion? Members? Just everything?
Jackson: Why do you think that I am down??? I am here taking names and kicking ass!!!!!!
Mom: When I asked What's up? you said nothing good. So I thought maybe you were down. But glad to hear that you are doing good.
Jackson: No it is that we aren't doing anything. I think we are going to play ping pong in the stake center but you know what it is
Mom: Don't you do stuff outside? or is it too hot? How in the heck can you wear a sweatshirt down there?
Jackson: It is a sick sweater... It is the CIA I use it to run in the morning to sweat more to lose more weight. And no it is too hot to play outside
Mom: I see it has CIA on it. you are going to get shot.
Jackson: No. They are my friends they always ask me if anyone gives me trouble because if they do they will give them a good beating they said
Mom: I guess that's good until they aren't your friend :/
Jackson: Hahaha we hardly see any mom. There aren't very many here and they are in certain parts. but we don't go there at night so it is all good
Mom: so what time do you have to go in?
Jackson: At 9 like normal
Mom: So is it dark at like 7? or earlier?
I guess you are out of time.
Have a great week! Love you
Think about what you want us to send for Christmas because I'm going to probably send it mid October. I'm having surgery on my shoulder on Oct 4th so hopefully will be feeling better by then. It seems like your stuff is taking at least 2 months to get to you so I better be proactive or you won't get it in time for Christmas.
Love you