Monday, May 22, 2017

May 8, 2017

Jackson: Hey why didn't you write me?

Mom: Carson had my phone all day yesterday and I was asleep when they got home from Jolene's. AND you're are writing super early!!  I was just finishing up getting drivers dispatched and was going to write you.

Nothing really happening last week anyway.    Carson had practice on Monday and I stayed home and weeded.  Tues he had a double header 645 and 830.  We got home at 11.  Long day-- and Super early morning.  I took Carson to School so he could sleep a little longer since it was late start. Practice Wed and no games Thurs. Fri he went to Keys to Keys with the Bishop instead of playing in the rescheduled Bear River Tournament-- they had  13 kids to play so he made the choice.  It kind of sucked because they won the tournament and he was bummed he wasn't there, but he said he was where he was supposed to be.  It's hard to make choices between good things sometimes.  
Dad and I went in to town to walk at the park after work on Fri and ended up at the High School Baseball game.  The varsity had just lost to Woods Cross in a tie breaker for the region title and the JV was getting schooled as well.  We visited with a few people and watched the rest of the game.  Kind of pathetic right?!  I guess we aren't going to be very good empty nesters  :(.
Anyway- how was your week??  And what are the details for mother's day calling?
Carson played really well on Saturday.  They won their first game and got killed the 2nd game- Carson caught the last LONG inning.  Dad said he did great.  I left after the first game to go to the temple with Taylor Baton while she took out her endowments in Logan.  I still can't hardly believe she is going to the Philippines.  I think she leaves like August 4th.  And Lexie is getting Married that week as well.  It's crazy!!!

Jackson:  Wow that is crazy
We are going to call on Monday for 45 minutes. So what time do you want me to call?

Mom:  Well that kind of sucks- Carson will be at school and Taylor and Kayla will be at work.   I guess if you call in the morning Carson can miss some school.  :(
Why are you calling on Monday??  The whole mission or just you?

Jackson:  I meant Sunday.... SORRY...

Mom:  I was getting a little bit fired up!!  Okay-- well later in the afternoon would be good because Scott is ordaining Harrison a deacon in Roy at 11 on Sunday so if we left right after that it would be like 1 before we got home-- So I would say anytime after 1, but dad hasn't found out for sure if that is their church time or if it's after church or at the start of Priesthood meeting.  So who knows for sure.

What else exciting did you do last week?  New companion??

Jackson:  I'll call at 3 or later how about that?

Mom:  That should work perfect.  I'm guessing it will be like it was at Christmas so you'll just be waiting for a turn right??

Jackson:  Ya pretty much. But how have you been?

Mom:   I'm good.  Just staying busy or trying to not be busy, I'm not sure.  I don't really feel like doing anything most days, but there is always a ton of stuff to do.  I've been getting up earlier and trying to get a few things done in the mornings, but I think the only extra thing I'm getting done is taking Carson to school.  I swear he's growing again, because he's always wanting to sleep.  (I kind of am like that too! But not growing taller :( )   He's got Freshman Football camp this week along with baseball games and practice and I guess they moved the scrimmage to Thurs instead of Fri so he can't go to it because he has a baseball game at 5pm.  Oh well. He was kind of bummed, but he has to miss his games next Tues because he has his orchestra concert.  

Jackson:  Oh... Dumb Orchestra... Hahah no when I get back I'm going to play my violin con todo

Mom:  That's not a bad idea!!  He doesn't play too bad. But it's just like you were. He never wants to practice. 

Jackson:  I didn't either... THat's the bad thing huh
Mom:  You're probably almost out of time, but we'll talk to you next week!!  Love you, work hard and stay happy.  Listen to the promptings you received and you will be blessed.

Jackson:  Wow... I have a half an hour...  

Mom:  Oh. Ok. You've been on for 45 minutes so I figured you were done for the day. I guess how much time you have is determined by how anal your companion is about stuff 😂

Jackson:  No it always is the same. Just we have interviews so we don't have to write president
Mom:  So is your companion the district leader again??

Jackson:  Nope.  Ex-ZL in a different area gracias a Dios

Mom:  So tell me about your new contacts or the person you think might get baptized this week or how Sabrina is doing since her surgery?  So is he a good companion so far?  It sounds like you are working hard with him so that's good.

 Jackson:  Still in the bed. And she is a girl that is 12 years old. She is the neighbor of a member and the member is like the mom of her because her mom is trash... and the contacts are really good one asked for a BOM right from the get go. He is a great comp it is awesome

Mom:  Well- I just check the tracking on your package and you may never get it which really sucks bad because that was the most expensive package I've sent to you.  I'm just sick.  
It showed it was in San Salvador on Fri May 5 and went to San Jose Costa Rica.  I guess it's still tracking so it's not lost yet but hopefully you get it-- It's worth about $300 with the shoes and everything that's in there.  

Jackson:  Wow.. are you kidding me

Mom:  Nope.  I sent it just like all the rest and it's not like the address wasn't big enough on it.  I printed it off the computer so there wasn't any questions on handwriting too.  

So this week was changes. We said goodbye to some investigators and members. But not too many because he didn't have much time here. Then I got my 3rd Elder Perez. Hahaha from Guatemala as well. Then This week we have been working hard. I gave more lessons this week than I have in my whole mission. I am excited to work with him because he has a little more than a year and we just work hard and go with the flow it really is fun and great. I am tired at the end of every day because we work so hard. It has been a blessing to see these people that we visit change. I am excited because we might be having a baptism this week but we aren't too sure. We will try our best and if it happens I'll be so happy. Well I love you guys have a great week!!!!

Voice Recording:  Alright, so.. . this week was pretty chill.  we had changes.  I stayed in my area, so at the end of this change I will have 6 1/2 months in Quetzaltepeque.  
so Monday and Tuesday we were just saying goodbye really.  Oh, well he's leaving. Oh,  ok, yeah. and then Wednesday came and we had changes and I got my new companion.  My 3rd Elder Perez.  It's super funny.  He doesn't like me.  (Pause)  He always looks at me and says bad words in Spanish.  No, no, not really.  It's really good.  It was really funny that he was already companions with Elder Jiron before he was my companion.  
So this week we found some new people, they're really good.  Sabrina's still in the bed, but she's doing a lot better.  Isabel and Marvin didn't go to church and we were sad, but she said she wants to be baptized and everything so she just has to go one more time.    Estevana and Orales, they went (struggles with the English word)  to church and Orales wants to be baptized, but she's not sure, so we're going to have her pray.  Estevana is going to have surgery on her eyes.  Ooo :(  We'll see how that goes.  
We've been working really hard, especially with Elder Perez.  Hasn't been really anything really cool that happened or anything like that it's just been normal.  Just working hard.  
I don't know, I really don't have much to say.  That was my week really, so, Love you guys, have a good week.

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